Titanium Community Questions & Answer Archive

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Passing variable to other JavaScript file

I have a TableView loaded from a SQLite db, and by tapping an item (iPhone) the users goes to another js document with content.

At this moment I load the content by querying the database with the window's title:

var rows = db.execute('SELECT info FROM MYTABLE 
WHERE name = "' + Titanium.UI.currentWindow.title + '" ');

Of course, this is not an ideal method. My question is therefore: how can I pass a parameter (like id) from the TableView data to the other JavaScript file?



— asked September 18th 2010 by Pieter Kubben
  • iphone
  • sql
  • tableview

3 Answers

  • Accepted Answer


    Just use this code:

    var newWindow = Titanium.UI.createWindow({  
        url: "details.js",
        info: "you informations for the new window"

    To recieve the parameter use:

    var win = Titanium.UI.currentWindow;


    — answered September 18th 2010 by Felix Krause
    1 Comment
    • Felix did give the correct answer, and also working for my goal. I found that I can add the parameter in the data.push() function (fetched from database) and then forward it to the new window from the e.rowData in the event handler (see pastie above). Solved!

      — commented September 21st 2010 by Pieter Kubben
  • Thanks! That works very well if I enter the content for info directly. One issue left: I retrieve data from a SQLite db and load them in a TableView.

    See here on Pastie for some code. As you see, I have been playing around a little.

    Question: how can I retrieve the content for info directly from the db? I cannot use e.index (no correlation with db), and I seemingly cannot add it to the data-array (iPhone simulator crashed in that case).

    The data for "info" are in rows.field(2) in the database. Hope that my explanation makes sense this way….

    — answered September 19th 2010 by Pieter Kubben
  • It would even be easier to use a global variable; e.g:
    Set a Global Variable first like this for a string: Ti.App.Properties.setString("NameAvariable","value");
    then output your variable in any js file you have like this: Ti.App.Properties.getString("yourVariableName");
    and at any time you can assign any value to your global variable.

    — answered August 11th 2012 by Talal Manaa
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