Titanium Community Questions & Answer Archive

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Kitchen Sink Failure

We have been trying for hours to get kitchensink to work on the mobile andriod emulator with no success. These are the errors I am getting. Any help would be great!

[INFO] Building KitchenSink for Android … one moment
[INFO] Copying project resources..
[INFO] Tiapp.xml unchanged, skipping class generation
[ERROR] C:\Java\jdk1.6.0_21\bin\java.exe js: "C:\Documents and Settings\Shane Boylan\KitchenSink\build\android\bin\assets\Resources\examples\table_view_api_controls.js", line 18: syntax error
[INFO] Manifest unchanged, skipping Java build
[ERROR] C:\android-sdk\tools\apkbuilder.bat
[INFO] Installing application on device

— asked September 19th 2010 by Shane Boylan
  • kitchen sink

2 Answers

  • how about try another SDK of Titanium?for example,1.6

    — answered September 19th 2010 by Wen Bin
  • Hey Shane,

    are you on mac or pc?

    be sure to:

    install the android-sdk folder in your site root folder. (My experience is with Mac but I think the set-up is similar as the installation process is mostly platform independent.)

    Be sure you run android-sdk/tools/android

    and update it to have at least

    • Android 1.6 and
    • Google Android API 4, revision 2
      (you could also just update all, as that is what I did).

    Open up Titanium Developer and under "Edit Profile", point the "Android SDK" directory field to where you just installed the android sdk.

    Now import the kitchen sink.

    If it doesn't compile, be sure to replace the android.py file. Here's some instructions:


    If it still doesn't work, then be sure to change the settings under Projects > Kitchen Sink > Run Emulator > Android to SDK: 1.6, Screen QVGA.

    If that STILL doesn't work, then be sure to delete the contents of the KitchenSink>build folder. Do NOT delete the folder, just delete the CONTENTS of the folder. Launch the emulator again, and it should rebuild all the needed files fresh.

    Also, be sure to read the Getting Started documents carefully, as they are pretty thorough:

    Hope that helps!

    — answered September 19th 2010 by Avery Smith
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