Titanium Community Questions & Answer Archive

We felt that 6+ years of knowledge should not die so this is the Titanium Community Questions & Answer Archive

Creating Demo Software

Have you folks thought about being able to create demo software through Titanium?

When I create desktop apps I can run the exe files through another program to create a demo version and then create my install file. Because Titanium is packaged on your servers I am unable to do this.

— asked March 24th 2010 by Gary Collins
  • demo
  • desktop

3 Answers

  • Accepted Answer

    I don't think you're going to be able to avoid that. Anything you write with Ti is a script. The source code is there for everyone to see and edit. Once someone realizes that, it's trivial for them to go in and bypass any sort of limits. Your only hope is that they won't realize it. Or that they're actually honest. :-)

    — answered March 25th 2010 by Steve King
  • You can just implement that yourself? Create a text file which has a timestamp for x days in the future and do a onload check to see the current timestamp it's less than or equal to the timestamp in the txt file.

    — answered March 24th 2010 by Bryce Wilkinson
  • I'm a noob so sorry if this sounds silly. But after install can the user not get access to this .txt file and modify it to bypass the demo setting.

    — answered March 25th 2010 by Gary Collins
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