Titanium Community Questions & Answer Archive

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Install error (traced to No such file or directory when trying to find the developer profile)

I have been using Titanium for quite some time now, so I know my way around certificates/profiles and the process of deploying the app on the phone.
With (on SDK 4.1), I get the 'Install error' message when trying to run on the iPhone. I traced the error in the build.log to:

Exception detected in script:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/Library/Application Support/Titanium/mobilesdk/osx/", line 524, in main
provisioning_profile = read_provisioning_profile(pp,o)
File "/Library/Application Support/Titanium/mobilesdk/osx/", line 171, in read_provisioning_profile
f = open(f,'rb').read()
IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: u'/Users/jace/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning Profiles/D142A6D3-5CC4-4F39-8B93-7CCF687F63A3.mobileprovision'

I had a look in that directory, and of course the file it's looking for is not there. Why is this happening?


— asked September 28th 2010 by Jason Kritikos

4 Answers

  • Me and most of my friends have the same problem. I solved it by copying the .mobileprovision file and renaming it to the name specified in the error log. So, in this case, copy your .mobileprovision file, put it in Users/jace/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning Profiles/ and rename it to D142A6D3-5CC4-4F39-8B93-7CCF687F63A3.mobileprovision. This works.

    If the folder doesn't exist, create it manually.

    Is there an easier way to solve this problem? Anyone? :P


    EDIT: Drag your mobileprovision file to Xcode, or double-click it before installing to iTunes.

    — answered November 16th 2010 by Nils D
    1 Comment
    • This worked for me. I just copied the .mobileprovision file in the directory and renamed it as shown in the console error.

      — commented December 15th 2011 by Claudio Carlenzoli
  • Yes, I managed to get around it. All you have to do is go to:
    HOMEDIR/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning Profiles and delete all profiles. Then, simply reimport your provisioning file in Titanium (after deleting it from the Titanium GUI as well) and build for the device. If you keep the finder window open you will see that a new copy of the provisioning file will be created.
    It happens to me from time to time and this solution always works!

    — answered April 27th 2011 by Jason Kritikos
    • Cheers, works for me… In my case I deleted the entire folder (maybe didn't need to) and made sure to press the (X) in Titanium "build for iphone" to remove the profile, then went and selected it again..

      As you say, it then shows up in that folder..

      — commented November 4th 2011 by Chris Moore
    • Thanks Jason! This worked for me.

      — commented January 19th 2012 by Tim Shayakhmetov
    • Why wouldn't you also comment on how to "delete it from the Titanium GUI" ???

      — commented June 4th 2012 by Zurab Shubitidze
  • I am getting this same error. None of the things suggested above are helping.. Thoughts?

    — answered April 27th 2011 by Jaffe Worley
  • Worked for me. Thanks.

    — answered December 6th 2011 by L F
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