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how to pass soap header

Hi , i am calling a web service using Ti suds client
now to authenticate for web service it needs a soap header with parameters
how to pass soap header in this
pls help .

— asked October 6th 2010 by Somesh pandit
  • header
  • soap

2 Answers

  • I think in the suds.js file that is including in the Kitchen Sink app, there is a section below that would need to be modified. I am having the same issue and MUST solve this.

    If you look at the "envelopeBegin:" it only gives the "" tag. I need a SOAP header tag like below to call my DNN site. I will be messing with this and if I get a fix, I will post it. Or Appcelerator can. :)

    <IWebAuthendicationHeader >

    in suds.js:

    // Client Configuration
    var config = extend({
    targetNamespace: 'http://localhost',
    envelopeBegin: '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>',
    envelopeEnd: ''

    Dale Bingham

    — answered August 3rd 2011 by Dale Bingham
  • Here is what I tried to do in a 'sudsheader.js' file that was copied from suds.js. Wherever you would have included suds.js include the new file and do not mess up the original one that works. :) It is actually returning what I need it to after 5 hrs of pain… you know the drill.

    There may be cleaner ways to do this, as this is more of a hack to get it running, however it injects the soap:Header right where it needs to be w/o replacing any underlying .js files. Comment out the Titanium.API.info if you don't want to see it in the console. I wanted to know exactly what XML was being passed.

    Note for my WS I also did not need the ns0: in front of my calls or XML tags so I did a '' for blanks. Use whatever your WS needs

    // inside the envelopeBegin after the /envelope/" and before the soap body add a 
    //   variable you will replace

    Create the SOAP HEADER STRING. If nothing is passed in it should skip it and call the function normally

    // Dale Bingham: 08/03/2011 create soapBody string for xhr.send
        // Allow straight string input for XML body - if not, build from object
        if (typeof soapBody !== 'string') {
          soapBody= '<soap:Header><'+_soapActionHeader+' xmlns="' + config.targetNamespace + '">';
          soapBody += convertToXml(_soapBody, '');
          soapBody += '</'+_soapActionHeader+'></soap:Header>';

    Replace the SOAP Header string variable with the body you just made and call xhr.send normally

        var ebegin = config.envelopeBegin;
        config.envelopeBegin = ebegin.replace('PLACEHOLDER', config.targetNamespace);
        var ebeginSoap = config.envelopeBegin;
        config.envelopeBegin = ebeginSoap.replace('SOAPHEADERPLACEHOLDER', soapBody);
        // show what I am concatenating and replacing

    You also now have to call the .invoke with 2 extra parameters in whatever .js file is running your application: the name that goes inside the soap:Header and then the header parameters

    var headerparams = {
        Username: 'xxxxxxxxxxx',
        Password: 'xxxxxxxxxx',
        suds.invoke('NAME_OF_HEADER_ITEM', headerparams, 'NAME_OF_WEBSERVICE_CALL', callparams, function(xmlDoc) {

    I am actually using this to call an XML web service within DotNetNuke using IWeb however this can be modified for any authentication information passed in the header to make a more secure webservice call. http://www.codeproject.com/KB/cpp/authforwebservices.aspx has more information on authentication for web services

    — answered August 4th 2011 by Dale Bingham
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