Titanium Community Questions & Answer Archive

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Alert - Did fail to receive ad

I'm using successfully the Admob integration as described in this comment: [http://developer.appcelerator.com/question/57991/admob-and-iads#109501]

Most of the times the ads are shown without any problems, but more and more I'm getting an alert message when I want to open a page with an ad in it.

Is this happening because I'm testing the app and I make too many Admob requests? Or could there be any other problem?

— asked October 8th 2010 by Jeroen Onstenk
  • admob
  • alert
  • fail

2 Answers

  • Hi Jeroen, are you using TiAdMob4iPhone to display ads from Admob? I downloaded it from github and tried to install in by running the following command in Terminal

    python build.py && unzip jp.masuidrive.ti.admob-0.1.zip -d /Library/Application\ Support/Titanium/

    But I got a bunch of "No such file or directory" errors. Did you get such errors when you installed it? Do you have any idea on how to fix it? Thanks.

    — answered October 27th 2010 by Nicole Zhang
    • Found the reason myself. It's using SDK 1.4.0 while mine is

      — commented October 27th 2010 by Nicole Zhang
    • I wasn't able to run it with the Terminal code given in the manual. I copied all in Library/Application\ Support/Titanium/ and then I start the build.py.

      Nevertheless I had a lot of errors with this workaround. I switched in the end to iAds.

      — commented October 27th 2010 by Jeroen Onstenk
  • I've found how to build jp.masuidrive.ti.admob :
    Just duplicate the folder, and rename it 1.4.0, then the build.py should compile fine.

    I've downloaded the SDK from admob and replace libAdMob.a in the jp.masuidrive.ti.admob project, because the old version put a admob cache folder in the document folder which was visible when using itunes file sharing.

    BTW, I've got problem loading ads too, but I'm not sure if it's a jp.masuidrive.ti.admob code problem.

    — answered October 28th 2010 by Pascal PLUCHON
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