Titanium Community Questions & Answer Archive

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Splash orientation


I got a splashscreen that will go into a animation (so I have a default.png splash image) and after that it opens a window with exactly the same elements.

then the Elements animate and on complete the first menu pops up/shows.

(examples are the E-books from Disney toy story etc)


I have the app always and locked to landscape, but the default splash needs to be created in portrait for it to look right.

So it opens the splash in portrait then the moment it tries to open the "window" you can see that the splash is trying to rotate and gets all distorted for like a second.

is there a way to tell the splash it needs to be locked in portrait? so it doesn't try to rotate?

— asked October 21st 2010 by Patrick van Zadel
  • default
  • orientation
  • splash

3 Answers

  • I have the same issue, and the plist file is being set correct by titanium developer.

    — answered January 31st 2011 by Jeff Antram
  • Ok so after six months the app I was working on is finished and is currently "In Review" at Apple.

    To fix this I did this:

    In the info.plist I removed all Portrait Rotations

    Then because I need the app to be in Landscape-Right all the time.
    I started with:

    Titanium.UI.orientation = Titanium.UI.LANDSCAPE_RIGHT;

    Then on the main windows (I had a total of 3 main windows) I add this:

    win = Ti.UI.createWindow({
        backgroundColor: '#000',
        orientationModes : [

    Also I made the splash in Landscape 1024x768 and called it :


    it's in the /Resources/iphone folder.

    A little reminder, if your app like mine is supposed to only work in Landscape_Right or Left.
    Make sure you also make Splash images for Portrait, cause if you do Open the App while your iOS system is in Portrait you will see the Appcelerator Default splash

    These are probally alot of measures to get the splash and the app in the right orientation, But I can tell you it's definitely locked in Landscape_Right.

    — answered February 1st 2011 by Patrick van Zadel
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