Titanium Community Questions & Answer Archive

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SDK selection always says loading

I've just updated to 1.4.1 SDK as prompted by the developer application I have iOS latest build SDK from apple, but now when I go to test in the Run Emulator section the selection for SDK is always set to loading, I've left it for an hour no change?? to select SDK version?

If I press Launch anyway I get:

[INFO] Compiling JavaScript...one moment
[INFO] No JavaScript errors detected.
[INFO] One moment, building ...
[INFO] Performing full rebuild. This will take a little bit. Hold tight...
[INFO] Executing XCode build...
[INFO] Executing XCode Compiler [toggle output]
[INFO] Compile completed in 0.286 seconds
[INFO] Launching application in Simulator
Unknown or unsupported SDK version: loading...
[INFO] Launched application in Simulator (1.58 seconds)
[INFO] Application has exited from Simulator

Please help I need to deliver a project…

— asked October 21st 2010 by James Becker
  • fault
  • sdk
  • update

5 Answers

  • I saw this a few times and found that clicking repeatedly on the project name in Titanium would sometimes fix the issue.

    — answered October 21st 2010 by Chris Campbell
  • If you run this in a Terminal window, do you get an output?

    /Developer/usr/bin/xcodebuild -showsdks

    Also, please be more specific: "iOS latest build SDK"

    Is it XCode 3.2.4? XCode4 Preview?

    BTW - If you only have the XCode4 Preview installed Titanium will not be happy because it searches for the iOS SDK in /Developer and the XCode4 Preview is in /XCode4.

    — answered October 21st 2010 by John McKnight
  • Hi,

    .DMG file downloaded from Apple today was 'xcode_3.2.4_and_ios_sdk_4.1.dmg' and the output from the console was:

    Mac OS X SDKs:
        Mac OS X 10.5                     -sdk macosx10.5
        Mac OS X 10.6                     -sdk macosx10.6
    iOS Device SDKs:
        Device - iPhone OS 3.2            -sdk iphoneos3.2
        Device - iOS 4.1                  -sdk iphoneos4.1
    iOS Simulator SDKs:
        Simulator - iOS 3.2               -sdk iphonesimulator3.2
        Simulator - iOS 4.0               -sdk iphonesimulator4.0
        Simulator - iOS 4.1               -sdk iphonesimulator4.1

    Any further help would be great.

    — answered October 21st 2010 by James Becker
    • Fixed *

    To others that have had this issue, as per other threads download the latest build of the Mobile SDK from : Appcelerator Builds.

    At the time of writing this is was 4.2.0, extract the folder in osx to /Library/Application Support/Titanium/mobilesdk/osx/

    This is where it differs for most people, mine didn't just come alive after this and make the drop down work, I had to delete all projects and then reimport them for the selector to work again.

    Hope this helps other people in the same situation.


    — answered October 22nd 2010 by James Becker
  • If you updated from previous version, you must change SDK to use in your project. This solved my "loading" issue in Mac OS X.

    — answered October 26th 2010 by David
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