Titanium Community Questions & Answer Archive

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Webview and scaling issue on iPhone 4?


Im trying to make a window/view that displays an image and automatically stretches the width to the device-width while preserving the aspectratio of the picture.
Also, I want users to be able to zoom.

The following code works great on iPhone 3GS and in Simulator (both Iphone and Iphone 4).

webview = Ti.UI.createWebView({backgroundColor:'#000'});
imgurl = "http://some-random-img";
webview.html = '<img style="width:100%;" src=' + imgurl + '>';

But, If run on a real iPHone 4 device, the webview seems to be correct size, but the image inside gets reaaaaally tiny (but still allowing zoom)..

A too small image on the 3GS gets scaled up. The pictures im showing is mostly 640*480, but some are larger so it needs to be dynamic.

If scalesPageToFit is FALSE, the image scales correctly on iPhone4 and 3gs, but no zoom.

— asked November 6th 2010 by Petter Granstrom
  • iphone
  • mobile

2 Answers

  • Of course, if someone has a better way to do this (stretch/scale image, keep AR, and allow zoom) I'm more then happy to learn how.


    — answered November 6th 2010 by Petter Granstrom
  • You should try using css media queries:

    @media only screen and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2) { 
        #myContainer {
            background: #B9A17E url(../images/bg@2x.png) left top fixed;
    — answered January 14th 2011 by Roger Chapman
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