Titanium Community Questions & Answer Archive

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I want a direct link to download latest stable Titanium SDK?

I have a terrible connection in a remote area using a direct satellite link, and Titanium developer cannot complete the SDK download before the connection is dropped. Then it starts the download all over again, which is extremely slow (and expensive). Is there a link to download the latest stable SDK (as there is with the nightly builds) so I can use my download manager to resume when the connection fails?


— asked November 7th 2010 by Feroz Patel
  • macosx
  • sdk
  • I can't find it at the moment, but will try to and post back. Sorry, but I don't understand, why can't you use the latest build?

    — commented November 7th 2010 by Paul Dowsett
  • I have just downloaded Titanium developer and installed it. When i run it for the first time, it attempts to download the latest SDK, but because of my bad Internet connection, it is unable to complete the download, so I have to restart the developer application, at which point it attempts the SDK download again from the beginning and predictably, the connection drops and so it fails again and the cycle continues. I followed the "Download SDK" link on the main download page, but it is actually linked to "Titanium developer.dmg". If I can have a direct link to the SDK instead of relying on Titanium to download it for me, then I can use the link in my download manager to resume the download.


    — commented November 7th 2010 by Feroz Patel
  • I don't want the latest nightly builds (which are a work in progress and potentially unstable). I want the stable build, the same one that Titanium developer attempts to download when it is start…

    — commented November 7th 2010 by Feroz Patel

2 Answers

  • Just to elaborate, I want the stable mobile build for osx: iphone + android

    — answered November 7th 2010 by Feroz Patel
    1 Comment
    • This statement should go in comments, rather than in the answers section. :)

      — commented November 7th 2010 by Paul Dowsett
  • Feroz

    I can assure you that the 1.4.X branch of android SDK on the CI builds site is the most stable at the moment.

    I am not sure about iOS. Why not install it, so that you can at least start working with Titanium? Note that you can easily change between versions once installed at a later time using the TiDev Edit screen for each app.

    I will find out where the stable iOS SDK is, and let you know next week.



    — answered November 8th 2010 by Paul Dowsett
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