Titanium Community Questions & Answer Archive

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HTTPClient Timeout Just delays the connection execution

I have been using the Ti.Network.HTTPClinet in an iPhone app and it seems that when I use setTimeout(5000) it will delay the post from hitting the server for 5 seconds. Is this how the timeout should be working? It seems to be more of a delay then a timeout setting.


— asked November 17th 2010 by Thomas Wheeler
  • httpclient
  • iphone
  • mobile

2 Answers

  • Thomas

    Yes, setTimeout executes a code snippet or a function after specified delay. Hence, what you are observing is expected behaviour.

    I think what you are really looking for is setInterval:

    setInterval takes 2 arguments: function and timeout in milliseconds
    for how often the function should be executed until cancelled and
    returns a timer handle that can be used to cancel a timer with

    See Titanium's built-in timers for this extract.

    — answered November 17th 2010 by Paul Dowsett
    • Thanks for the response Hal. I understand the setTimeout / setIntraval functions. I am actually referring to the HTTPClient setTimeout as outlined in the
      Mobile API Docs.

      — commented November 17th 2010 by Thomas Wheeler
    • Oh, I stand corrected, Thomas. :) In that case, it does indeed seem strange behaviour, and I cannot imagine the reason. I agree with you, I too would expect it to wait for a response within 5 seconds, and cancel the request when the period ends. Hopefully someone will chime in with an explanation.

      — commented November 17th 2010 by Paul Dowsett
  • Thanks for the response Hal. I understand the setTimeout / setIntraval functions. I am actually referring to the HTTPClient setTimeout as outlined in the
    Mobile API Docs.

    — answered November 17th 2010 by Thomas Wheeler
    1 Comment
    • Oh, I stand corrected, Thomas. :) In that case, it does indeed seem strange behaviour, and I cannot imagine the reason. I agree with you, I too would expect it to wait for a response within 5 seconds, and cancel the request when the period ends. Hopefully someone will chime in with an explanation.

      — commented November 17th 2010 by Paul Dowsett
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