Titanium Community Questions & Answer Archive

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[ERROR] C:\android-sdk\tools\apkbuilder.bat

While trying to run the default project in Android Emulator in a windows 7 platform, i got this error
[ERROR] C:\android-sdk\tools\apkbuilder.bat

What does it mean and how do I fix it??

I came across http://developer.appcelerator.com/question/74581/error-candroid-sdktoolsapkbuilderbat but it doesn't solve anything.

— asked November 22nd 2010 by Pritam Pebam
  • android

2 Answers

  • Accepted Answer


    This is an android rather than a Titanium message. If you look in your android SDK directory (as opposed to your Titanium Android SDK directory), there is a directory called "tools" that contains executables that google ships for android development, including adb, android, draw9patch, sqlite3 and zipalign etc. With these is the apkbuilder script that is used to build application apks. If you change your logging to "trace" you will see the advice to run this with –help for more information.

    Hence I would run:

    /opt/android-sdk/tools/apkbuilder --help

    Although admittedly on my system this generates an exception :)

    Google has deprecated apkbuilder in favour of the ApkBuilderTask java class. apkbuilder still work without issue (except for the bad aesthetics of the "error", although imho it's at the wrong log level and so should be a warning or info). At some point, a future release of Titanium Developer will be created to utilise the java class but, until then, I think we have to ignore it.

    Hope this helps

    — answered November 22nd 2010 by Paul Dowsett
  • hi Pritam

    its a common Error, i get it all the time … that isn't gonna hinder your development…

    — answered November 22nd 2010 by Satta Ravi
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