Titanium Community Questions & Answer Archive

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Desktop App Transparent background - leaves a shadow behind

Interesting case,

Building desktop app, using transparent background, using JQuery/UI for drag capabilities.

When my app starts up, all is good, when I drag it, it looks fine but in the initial starting position is left a burnt in transparent shadow in the image of what I've moved.

It never goes away!

Looking at my code in Safari/Firefox etc I have no problem with the dragging, there's no imagery or burnt in shadow left behind.

Any ideas why? I tried to hide my div at the start and then unhide it seeing if that was the case (as I have some other hide/showable divs that don't leave anything behind..)

Very strange.

— asked November 25th 2010 by Chris Moore
  • desktop
  • shadow
  • transparency
  • transparent
  • win32

1 Answer

  • Solve, don't use Javascript for your draggable handling (ie: JQuery UI), it will work, in fact its smoother at the moment (to be solved for method below) but it leaves that burnt in shadow on current desktop sdk v1.0

    Using the code at the bottom here:


    Will solve that problem, then there is no artifact left behind. Plus you can move it across screens (if you have > 1 monitor connected) and the CPU utilization is WAY WAY less.

    Problem at the moment is its quite "jaggy" seems to get a bit confused if you move the mouse around fast.. so doesn't look so great..

    To be continued.

    — answered November 26th 2010 by Chris Moore
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