Titanium Community Questions & Answer Archive

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The "More . . " tab is showing up unbidden. How to get rid of it?

This happens on the iPhone (3GS, anyhow) but not on the emulator: The "More . . ." button appears at the right of the four tabs I've designed. It's not needed and I don't want it there – can I make it go away?



— asked November 28th 2010 by Mark Pemburn
  • iphone
  • more
  • tab

2 Answers

  • To check you have your tabs set up correctly, would it be possible to show us the code of your app.js file which creates your tabs, then I'm sure one of us might be able to help.

    — answered November 28th 2010 by Kosso
  • The tab setup is basically cribbed from the Kitchen Sink. I put it into a function 'cuz there are a couple of asynchronous processes that have to run before the opening window can be displayed. Here's the relevant portion:

    function launchApp(tzData) {
        var tabGroup = Titanium.UI.createTabGroup();
        //*** The 'Hours' window is the root
        var hoursWin = Titanium.UI.createWindow({  
            title: 'The Hours',
            url: 'main_windows/planetary_hours.js',
            backgroundColor: 'black',
            barColor: '#111',
             latitude: tzData.latitude,
             longitude: tzData.longitude,
             tzOffset: tzData.offset,
             currentDate: null
        var hoursTab = Titanium.UI.createTab({  
            icon: './images/hours.png',
            title: 'Hours',
            window: hoursWin
        //*** Set Location page
        var locWin = Titanium.UI.createWindow({  
            title: 'Set Location',
            url: 'main_windows/set_location.js',
            backgroundColor: 'black',
            barColor: '#111',
             latitude: tzData.latitude,
             longitude: tzData.longitude
        var locationTab = Titanium.UI.createTab({  
            icon: './images/loc_change.png',
            title: 'Location',
            window: locWin
        //*** Set Date page
        var dateWin = Titanium.UI.createWindow({  
            title: 'Set Date',
            url: 'main_windows/select_date.js',
            backgroundColor: '#fff',
            barColor: '#111'
        var dateTab = Titanium.UI.createTab({  
            icon: './images/date_change.png',
            title: 'Date',
            window: dateWin
        //*** Settings page
        var settingsWin = Titanium.UI.createWindow({  
            title: 'Settings',
            url: 'main_windows/settings.js',
            backgroundColor: '#fff',
            barColor: '#111'
        var settingsTab = Titanium.UI.createTab({  
            icon: './images/settings.png',
            title: 'Settings',
            window: settingsWin
        //*** Page selection tabs
        //*** Open the tab group
    — answered November 28th 2010 by Mark Pemburn
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