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Rotate image

Hi all

I have a View with a background image which I would like to be able to rotate with a finger "scroll". So can anyone tell me how to rotate Views on the iPad?

Best Dennis

— asked November 29th 2010 by Dennis Nielsen
  • ipad
  • rotate
  • view

4 Answers

  • I've managed to get this working quite nicely, including pinch to zoom, and drag and drop.
    The essence of the code is below and it's not tested as a standalone, but it all works well in my app.
    Hopefully I got it all.

    //this keeps the rotating from happening during the pinch
    var pinching = false;

    this part is in a loop that is adding multiple images to the view

    images[i].addEventListener("touchstart", function(e) {
                    Ti.API.info("TOUCH START");
                    var touchCoords = e.source.convertPointToView({x: e.x, y: e.y}, self); //convert points to be relative to parent view
                    var objectDimensions = e.source.rect; //get top/left of object
                    var objectCoords = e.source.convertPointToView({x: objectDimensions.x, y: objectDimensions.y}, self); //convert points to be relative to parent view
                    //save the points of the last touch
                    e.source.lastTouch = touchCoords;
                    self.touchStart = {x: touchCoords.x, y: touchCoords.y, objectCoordsX: objectDimensions.x, objectCoordsY: objectDimensions.y, internalCoordsX: e.x, internalCoordsY: e.y};
                    Ti.API.info("touchstart:  internal x/y: " + e.x + "/" + e.y + " (view x/y: " + touchCoords.x + "/" + touchCoords.y + ")");
                images[i].addEventListener("touchmove", function(e) {
                    if(e.source.selected) {
                        // rotating
                        var parentCoords = e.source.convertPointToView({x: e.x, y: e.y}, self);
                        var xdiff = parentCoords.x - self.touchStart.x;
                        var ydiff = parentCoords.y - self.touchStart.y;
                        var rotate = Math.round(e.source.rotated) + Math.round(xdiff * 0.2); //slower rotating
                        Ti.API.info("xdiff: " + xdiff + " ydiff: " + ydiff + " rotate: " + rotate);
                            rotate: rotate,
                            scale: e.source.scaled, //need this here to maintain the scaling if you have changed it prior to this event
                        //get the rotation number to something within 360
                        while(rotate >=180) {
                            rotate = rotate - 360;
                        while(rotate <=-180) {
                            rotate = rotate + 360;
                        e.source.rotated = rotate;
                    } else {
                        if(pinching == false) {
                            //this is the location of the image
                            var currentLocation = e.source.rect;
                            var touchCoords = e.source.convertPointToView({x: e.x, y: e.y}, self);
                            var xdiff = Math.round(touchCoords.x - e.source.lastTouch.x);
                            var ydiff = Math.round(touchCoords.y - e.source.lastTouch.y);
                            Ti.API.info("xdiff: " + xdiff + " ydiff: " + ydiff);
                            //move the image according to how far x/y have moved since the last touch
                            //this is completely stupid, but its the only way I can get the image to move reliably after rotating it
                            topSlider.value = topSlider.value + ydiff;
                            leftSlider.value = leftSlider.value + xdiff;
                            //save the coordinates of the last touch
                            e.source.lastTouch = touchCoords;
                images[i].addEventListener("touchend", function(e) {
                    pinching = false;
                    Ti.API.info("TOUCH END");
                images[i].addEventListener("pinch", function(e) {
                    if(e.source.selected == false) {
                        pinching = true;
                        // var scale = e.source.scaled * e.scale;
                        var scale = e.scale;
                        // Ti.API.info("scale: " + scale + " e.scale: " + e.scale);
                        if(scale > 0.133) { // don't let it get too small
                                scale: scale,
                                rotate: e.source.rotated, //need this here to maintain rotation
                            e.source.scaled = scale;
                images[i].addEventListener("doubletap", function(e) {
                    if(e.source.selected) {
                        e.source.selected = false;
                    } else {
                        e.source.selected = true;

    I tried everything I could think of to get the dragging of images to work after rotation and nothing was reliable after a rotation / scale except these extra slider controls. You'll note they are positioned way off the screen so no one can see them

    I also have a randomize function that randomly scales, rotates, etc each image and the change events just couldn't keep up which is why I have separated the actions

            var leftSlider = Ti.UI.createSlider({
                top: -1000,
                min: -700,
                max: 800,
                value: (Titanium.Platform.displayCaps.platformWidth / 2) - (614/2),
                width: "50%",
            leftSlider.addEventListener("change", function(e) {
            // this is not in the change event because it can't keep up with the updates with the randomize action
            var leftAction = function(value) {
                images[self.selectedIndex].left = value;
            var topSlider = Ti.UI.createSlider({
                top: -1000,
                left: -1000,
                min: -600,
                max: 1000,
                value: (Titanium.Platform.displayCaps.platformHeight / 2) - (614/2),
                width: 400,
                transform: Ti.UI.create2DMatrix().rotate(90),
            topSlider.addEventListener("change", function(e) {
            // this is not in the change event because it can't keep up with the updates with the randomize action
            var topAction = function(value) {
                images[self.selectedIndex].top = value;

    Hope this helps.

    — answered July 4th 2012 by Greg Froese
  • Anybody?

    — answered November 30th 2010 by Dennis Nielsen
  • hi,

    i'd like rotate an image. can you tell me how are you did it, please?

    — answered June 15th 2012 by zozo zozo
    1 Comment
    • Here is the code

      win = Titanium.UI.createWindow({
          fullscreen: true,
          layout: 'composite',
          backgroundColor: 'white',
      var workingView = Ti.UI.createView({
              width: 200,
              height: 200,
              backgroundColor: 'transparent',
              backgroundImage: '/KS_nav_ui.png'
          var rotation = Ti.UI.create2DMatrix({
              rotate: 2880
          var animation = Ti.UI.createAnimation({
              transform: rotation,
              duration: 7000,
              autoreverse: true,
              repeat: 10

      — commented March 16th 2014 by Linkan Halder
  • I have only tried to rotate images using the code below:

    using System.IO;
    using System.Drawing.Printing;
    using Yiigo.Imaging;
    using Yiigo.Imaging.Processing;
    // Rotate image to 90 degrees
    using YiigoImage Image = new YiigoImage();
    string ImageID = (@"C:\ yiigo_example.jpg");
    RotateAngle Rotation = RotateAngle.90;
    Image. YiigoImageProcessRotate(@"C:\ yiigo_example.jpg", RotateAngle.90);
    Image.save(@"C:\ yiigo_example.jpg");
    // Rotate image to 180 degrees
    using YiigoImage Image = new YiigoImage();
    string ImageID = (@"C:\ yiigo_example.jpg");
    RotateAngle Rotation = RotateAngle.180;  
    Image. YiigoImageProcessRotate(@"C:\ yiigo_example.jpg", RotateAngle.180);
    Image.save(@"C:\ yiigo_example.jpg");
    // Rotate image to 270 degrees
    using YiigoImage Image = new YiigoImage();
    string ImageID = (@"C:\ yiigo_example.jpg");
    RotateAngle Rotation = RotateAngle.270;
    Image. YiigoImageProcessRotate(@"C:\ yiigo_example.jpg", RotateAngle.270);
    Image.save(@"C:\ yiigo_example.jpg");

    Share with you. I hope it helps. Good luck.

    Best regards,

    — answered October 25th 2013 by arron lee
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