Titanium Community Questions & Answer Archive

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Error while building KitchenSink on Android

I had built KitchenSink in the past on Android, upgraded/installed new versions of Android SDK and get an error while wanting to test on the emulator. I am choosing Android 1.6. Here is the error I am getting:

[INFO] Launching Android emulator…one moment [INFO] Building KitchenSink for Android … one moment [INFO] Waiting for the Android Emulator to become available [INFO] Copying project resources.. [INFO] Tiapp.xml unchanged, skipping class generation [INFO] Manifest unchanged, skipping Java build [INFO] Compiling Android Resources… This could take some time [ERROR] /Users/olivier/Dev/android-sdk-mac_86 2/platforms/android-4/tools/aapt AndroidManifest.xml:2: Tag <manifest> attribute package has invalid character '*'. [ERROR] /Users/olivier/Dev/android-sdk-mac_86 2/tools/apkbuilder -z file is not found [ERROR] /Users/olivier/Dev/android-sdk-mac_86 2/tools/zipalign Unable to open '/Users/olivier/Dev/KitchenSink/KitchenSink/KitchenSink/build/android/bin/app.apk' as zip archive [ERROR] System Error while compiling Android classes.dex

— asked November 29th 2010 by Olivier Brand

2 Answers

  • Oliver

    Have you modified AndroidManifest.xml at all? Does it contain an asterisk? This is an invalid character according to the exception.

    I don't recognise the " 2" (space and 2) in the following error, although admittedly I'm on ubuntu so it may be different for you:

    [ERROR] /Users/olivier/Dev/android-sdk-mac_86 2/tools/zipalign

    Thus, check that your path to the SDK is correct, on Titanium Developer's "Edit Profile" page.

    Also, on the Project/Edit tab, click the "Save Changes" button, which will force your app to rebuild.

    If all else fails, delete the contents of your $PROJECT/build/android/<subdir>/* directories (bin, src, lib etc) and relaunch your app.

    — answered November 29th 2010 by Paul Dowsett
    1 Comment
    • I will check this later but as an application id, I have com.*
      On iPhone, this does not cause any problem and make it easier to test with a certificate that accept this pattern.
      However, it seems that Android does not like this as in Java, such package is not valid.

      — commented November 29th 2010 by Olivier Brand
  • The problem lies in the definition of the application id. As noted in my comment, iPhone allows an app id with a "", Android, being a java platform, does not allow packages to have a "". The desktop should flag this or/and allow defining a specific package for Android.

    — answered November 30th 2010 by Olivier Brand
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