Titanium Community Questions & Answer Archive

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Recording video in Android

I've read on these forums that recording video is not currently supported in Android. The final version of my app does need to incorporate this feature; but I could hold off if video recording is in the pipeline. Is there some knowledge of a time line when video recording will be supported in the built in apis for Android?
Also, it seems that with the coming 1.5.0 release there will be "proxys." From what I understand from this page http://developer.appcelerator.com/doc/mobile/android/module_sdk I could write a Java-based Activity in Android and use it to control video recording and communicate with the titanium app.

I'm new to appcelerator; so I'd appreciate any information on the subject.


— asked December 5th 2010 by Vance Turnewitsch
  • android
  • record
  • recording
  • video
  • videos

3 Answers

  • You can try this code

    var win = Titanium.UI.createWindow({
        title: 'Video Recording from Appcelerator Titanium',
        backgroundColor: '#fff'
    var recordButton = Titanium.UI.createButton({
        top: 10, left: 10, right: 10, height: 35, title: 'Record Video'
    var shareButton = Titanium.UI.createButton({
        top: 50, left: 10, right: 10, height: 35,
        title: 'Share Recorded Video', visible: false
    var saveButton = Titanium.UI.createButton({
        top: 100, left: 10, right: 10, height: 35,
        title: 'Save Recorded Video', visible: false
    * We'll use the following variable to keep track of the result of our recording action.
    var videoUri = null;
    * When they click this, we'll start the video capture activity and wait to hear back from it.
    recordButton.addEventListener('click', function() {
        // http://developer.android.com/reference/android/provider/MediaStore.html
        var intent = Titanium.Android.createIntent({ action: 'android.media.action.VIDEO_CAPTURE' });
        Titanium.Android.currentActivity.startActivityForResult(intent, function(e) {
            if (e.error) {
                    duration: Ti.UI.NOTIFICATION_DURATION_LONG,
                    message: 'Error: ' + e.error
            } else {
                if (e.resultCode === Titanium.Android.RESULT_OK) {
                    videoUri = e.intent.data;
                        duration: Ti.UI.NOTIFICATION_DURATION_LONG,
                        message: 'Video captured; now share or save it!'
                    // note that this isn't a physical file! it's a URI in to the MediaStore.
                    shareButton.visible = true;
                    saveButton.visible = true;
                } else {
                        duration: Ti.UI.NOTIFICATION_DURATION_LONG,
                        message: 'Canceled/Error? Result code: ' + e.resultCode
    * When they click this, we'll start an activity with an intent chooser to let the user
    * choose how they want to share their video.
    shareButton.addEventListener('click', function() {
        var intent = Titanium.Android.createIntent({
            action: Titanium.Android.ACTION_SEND,
            type: 'application/octet-stream'
        intent.putExtraUri(Titanium.Android.EXTRA_STREAM, videoUri);
                Titanium.Android.createIntentChooser(intent, 'Send Video via'));
    * When they click this, we'll save the video to the SDCard and tell the user where to find it.
    saveButton.addEventListener('click', function() {
        var source = Ti.Filesystem.getFile(videoUri);
        var target = Ti.Filesystem.getFile('appdata://sample.3gp');
        // note: source.exists() will return false, because this is a URI into the MediaStore.
        // BUT we can still call "copy" to save the data to an actual file
            duration: Ti.UI.NOTIFICATION_DURATION_LONG,
            message: 'Saved to: ' + target.nativePath
    — answered May 9th 2012 by Harsh Punnoose
    1 Comment
    • This is great! Do anyone also know a how to make the recorded video to be displayed in a: var activeMovie = Titanium.Media.createVideoPlayer on a Android devise? I only get a black screen.

      — commented November 2nd 2012 by Åge Engjom
  • Hi Vance,

    Here is a gist that demonstrates how to record video on Android:


    It starts the video capture activity and handles the result when it's available.


    — answered May 31st 2011 by Dawson Toth
    • Just tried this with Ti SDK 3.1.0 and it's not working for me. The video recording screen is shown, I can record video, but the callback function is never invoked!! So I can't do anything with the recorded video…

      — commented April 26th 2013 by Kevin Southworth
    • agree with Kevin callback function is never invoked, working with Ti SDK 3.2

      — commented February 25th 2014 by Amit Joshi
  • This tweak of the above solution does work under 3.x TI SDK. You need to get a reference to currentActivity a different way. Tested and working on SDK 3.2.1 and Galaxy Nexus (Android 4.0.4).

    var curActivity = win.getActivity();


    — answered March 5th 2014 by Tim Greiser
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