Titanium Community Questions & Answer Archive

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auto height table views break with shortish text

KitchenSink 1.1 illustrates this issue. In table_view_api_auto_height.js, changing row:

addRow(0,'This is some long text.  This is some long text.  This is some long text.  This is some long text.  This is some long text.  This is some long text.  This is some long text.  This is some long text.  This is some long text.  This is some long text.  This is some long text.  This is some long text.  This is some long text.  This is some long text.  This is some long text.  This is some long text.  This is some long text.  This is some long text.');

to something like:

addRow(0,'This is some long text.  This is some long text.');

results in incorrect left padding on the row. See screenshot:


— asked March 29th 2010 by Chris Sternal-Johnson
  • auto-height
  • iphone
  • mobile

1 Answer

  • Accepted Answer

    most likely you've not set the width. can you paste your table view row code to give us an idea of your properties?

    also, set your textAlign property to left if you want it to anchor left.

    — answered March 30th 2010 by Jeff Haynie
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