Titanium Community Questions & Answer Archive

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Back Button On Windows Title Bar

Hi Everyone,

Sorry if this is a silly question:

I have built an iphone app using tab group (a single tab), multiple windows and a view binded to each window.

My app is finished and congrats to appcelerator team, they have done a great job with Titanium.

But I noticed a problem. On some windows, I need to "disable" the back button which is automatically displayed on the left of windows title bar. I did this by setting the name of the back button to ''. But then I discovered that even it's not shown any more, I can just tap to the top left corner and it returns back to the previous window.

Is there any way to disable the back button completely?

Thanks again. Cheers.

— asked March 30th 2010 by Kenan Himbil
  • back
  • button
  • iphone
  • windows

2 Answers

  • just set


    inside window's property, and done!

    — answered July 16th 2012 by Guangzhi Xie
  • Any difference if you use Ti.UI.currentWindow.setLeftNavButton(null); instead of setting it to blank?

    — answered March 30th 2010 by Dan Giulvezan
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