Titanium Community Questions & Answer Archive

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The correct way to make a Twitter Request

Many of you might be making a JSON request to twitter in the following format:

xhr.open('GET','http://'+username.value+':'+password.value+'@api.twitter.com/1/statuses/user_timeline/' + username.value + '.json?count=200');

This is incorrect because Twitter now requires base64 or OAuth authentication for this request.

The response from this request will only return public information. Information like "favorited" will not be available since you haven't truly authenticated (it will always show false even if it is true ex. favorited: false) .

Titianium offers a method for base64 Authentication. (The correct method for authentication to twitter).

xhr.setRequestHeader('Authorization','Basic '+Ti.Utils.base64encode(username.value+':'+password.value));

You can set this right after you open an connection and it will authenticate your request properly. You should now receive the correct JSON response from twitter.

Below is a full example of how to make this request correctly.
Note: assume the username and password variables are text field objects that the user has typed their information into

var data = {
    stream: []

function getStream() {
    var xhr = Titanium.Network.createHTTPClient();

    xhr.onerror = function(e) {
        alert("ERROR " + e.error); 

    xhr.onload = function() {
        var resp = eval(this.responseText);

        //Add Twitter Data to Array
        for(var i = 0, l = resp.length; i < l; i++) {

    xhr.open('GET','http://api.twitter.com/1/statuses/user_timeline/' + username.value + '.json?count=200');
    xhr.setRequestHeader('Authorization','Basic '+Ti.Utils.base64encode(username.value+':'+password.value));


Special thanks to Jeffery Haynie for finding the answer to this!

— asked March 31st 2010 by Alex Wolfe
  • authentication
  • base64
  • json
  • json.parse
  • twitter
  • xhr

1 Answer

  • Accepted Answer

    question is the answer.

    — answered March 31st 2010 by Don Thorp
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